
School History

School History

Holycross Matriculation Higher Secondary School managed and run by SAMUDHAYA MEMPADU MATRUM KALVI AMAIPPU Trust DENKANIKOTTAI is located in the prime location of Hogenakkal road in the Denkanikottai town.

It was started in the year 1996-97 with 134 students and 15 teaching & non-teaching staff, it is now functioning with 2300 + Students and 147 teaching and non-teaching staff.

Holycross is lauded by parents and others as “one of the Best Schools in the Taluk”.

Holycross is unique in several ways. Our institution is easily accessible from every part of Denkanikottai taluk and even from all parts of Krishnagiri District.

Our Institution is run by a board of Directors headed by Mr.Samraj a Philanthropist whose vision is to make Denkanikottai into a 100% literate taluk.

We have plenty of service minded, Qualified, Experienced and Talented teaching staff who are offering round the clock support to the students in Curricular, Co-curricular and Extra Curricular activities.

Our institution is keenly focusing on the outcome of our students with flying colors in the Public Examinations along with Personality Development. With Intensive Care and Individual attention to each student, we elevate our students to their higher realms in life like Medical, Engineering and other Professional courses.

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